Take Back Action Fund or TBAF (also recognized by the IRS as Take Back Our Republic Action Fund) launched on May 5, 2015, three months after its sister organization Take Back Our Republic (Take Back). Some strong conservatives with deep experience in politics, campaigns, and government believed in the educational effort of Take Back, but sought to advocate policies and implement specific solutions activities which go beyond the scope of the efforts of Take Back. TBAF is a conservative, non-partisan 501(c)(4) organization, while Take Back is a 501(c)(3). (See details on www.takeback.org ) TBAF fills the void of center-right groups working to determine the “rules of the game.” For too long, some groups on the Left monopolized these terms - rules for redistricting, voter registration, ranked choice voting, voter ID - for partisan gain. TBAF supports reforming gerrymandering to allow the citizens’ true voices to be heard through compact districts based on communit...